Wayward Words

Let us paint the worldWith our wayward wordsFrom fingertips and tongue. Letters mixed and swirled Trilled by mockingbirds – Poet, not poem, unsung. ~~*~~Written for World Poetry Day 2019, this little verse gave me a reason to switch hats from novelist to poet. And now, I’m switching once again from poet to blogger. I know. Read More

Image by Alejandro Tuzzi from Pixabay

Let us paint the world
With our wayward words
From fingertips and tongue.

Letters mixed and swirled
Trilled by mockingbirds –
Poet, not poem, unsung.
Written for World Poetry Day 2019, this little verse gave me a reason to switch hats from novelist to poet. And now, I’m switching once again from poet to blogger. I know. I know. I’ve been lax in updating this blog.

Mea culpa.

However, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy with writing projects. Because I have!

Thanks to my small but fierce team of beta readers, I’m 80% done with rewrites, edits, and whatnots of The Call. The plan is to have the entire manuscript polished by the end of the month. Incidentally, The Call was a finalist in the Sexy Scribblers contest and a partial manuscript (the first 14 chapters) is being read by an Editor at Carina Press who promises feedback. If liked, they may select it for publication, too. Fingers crossed.

Now it’s time to put on my laundress headwear before I get back into novelist-mode. I’ll save you the suspense and let you know that tomorrow’s attire includes both housekeeper and novelist. A writer’s life is so sexy ain’t it?


Today, we expand our vocabulary with a brand-spanking-new word:
Nimble fingers find their mark with eager anticipation
Of that exquisite moment of sweet release;
A sigh, a moan – bramancipation (tm).

This new word is brought to you courtesy of MadDawg who gave permission to yours truly to introduce it here. Don’t you feel smarter already?